ŠD Trzin

Tek na 1 km (otroci prva triada (2018 - 2016)) 19.04.2025. 10:30 19.04.2025. 15:00 1 km Več...

Odprta registracija Prijave od 08.01.2025. 00:00 do 16.04.2025. 23:00 :: Max. tekmovalcev: 500

Prijavni obrazec za tekmovalce :: Tek na 1 km (otroci prva triada (2018 - 2016))

Dogodek - Javno Tekma Prijava na tekmo Prijavljeni tekmovalci Rezultati
Število prijavljenih tekmovalcev: 0
Število plačanih štartnin: 0
Prijave možne do: 16.04.2025. 23:00
(64 dni, 19 ur, 5 minut)
Štart: 19.04.2025. 10:30
(67 dni, 6 ur, 35 minut)

Opozorilo: S podpisom potrjujem, da so vsi podatki v prijavnem obrazcu resnični. Izjavljam, da sem zdrav(a), vsestransko pripravljen(a) za tekmovanje in da sem opravil(a) zdravniški pregled. Upošteval(a) bom vsa navodila organizatorja. Tekmoval(a) bom na lastno odgovornost.

Seznanjen(a) sem z nevarnostmi in tveganji, do katerih lahko pride med tekmovanjem, in izjavljam, da v primeru kakršne koli škode, ki bi jo utrpel(a) v zvezi z udeležbo na tej prireditvi, ne bom tožil(a) ali zahteval(a) nadomestila od organizatorja oziroma od občine Trzin.

Strinjam se, da Športno društvo Trzin kot organizator prireditve in Timing Poljane, d.o.o. kot koordinator serije Gorenjska, moj planet, lahko uporabita osebne podatke, ki sem jih vnesel(a) v ta obrazec, za splošne administrativne objave povezane z mojim sodelovanjem na tej prireditvi. Soglašam, da se lahko vsi podatki iz te prijavnice in rezultati tekmovanja objavijo v sredstvih javnega obveščanja in na spletnih straneh prireditve, vključno z mojimi fotografijami, filmskimi in video posnetki, intervjuji ipd., ne da bi zato bilo potrebno moje posebno dovoljenje. Izjema so podrobni osebni podatki kot je naslov, izbira storitev na tekmi ipd.

Strinjam se, da se moj elektronski naslov uporablja za pošiljanje obvestil v zvezi s prireditvijo. V primeru strinjanja s prejemanjem obvestil serije Gorenjska, moj planet (potrditev v prijavnem obrazcu), se strinjam, da se moj elektronski naslov doda tudi v seznam prejemnikov obvestil serije Gorenjska, moj planet (2-3 obvestili na tekmo).

Seznanjen(a) sem, da organizator ni odgovoren za kakršno koli izgubo, materialno škodo, druge zahtevke, izdatke ali stroške, ki bi nastali v zvezi z mojim sodelovanjem na prireditvi. Organizator bo osebne podatke udeležencev uporabljal in shranjeval skladno z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (UL RS, št. 86/2004 do 94/2007). Z udeležbo udeleženec(ka) dovoljuje, da organizator navedene osebne podatke hrani in obdeluje v svojih zbirkah neomejeno oziroma do preklica pisne privolitve udeleženca(ke). Udeleženec(ka) ima vse pravice skladno z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (UL RS, št. 20/1998 do 126/2007).


Ponudnik majic serije Gorenjska, moj planet je Timing Poljane, d.o.o., Hotovlja 90, 4223 Poljane. Za vsa morebitna vprašanja in reklamacije v zvezi s tem se obrnite na e-naslov info@gorenjska-mojplanet.si.

Privacy Statement of the Stotinka Ltd website

General terms

Stotinka Ltd for electronic timing (hereinafter: Stotinka) respects your privacy and bases its website on technology that provides a better, safer online experience.

This Privacy Statement (hereinafter: Statement) applies to the www.stotinka.hr website (hereinafter: the website) , and governs the collection and use of your personal information, as well as the use of cookies.

By using this website you consent to the methods used for the collection and processing of data described in this Statement, and the storage of and access to cookies on your device.

Collection and processing of personal information

In order to maintain the functionality of the website and enable services requested by users, Stotinka can collect and use users' personal information on this website.

Through the www.stotinka.hr website, depending on the purpose, personal information such as your name and surname, email address, home or work address, phone number, etc. can be collected.

By entering your personal information in the designated fields, you give consent to use said data for the purpose for which they are provided.

Stotinka does not sell, rent or borrow its list of website users to third parties.

With a commitment of maintaining confidentiality, Stotinka may share such data with trusted partners for a specific purpose: creating statistical analyses, enabling customer support, organising delivery, or similar.

All such third parties are prohibited from further processing of your personal information.

Security of your personal information

The www.stotinka.hr website protects your personal information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

Data on computer servers are stored in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

Application of cookies

The www.stotinka.hr website uses cookies - text files stored on the computer of a user by the web server used by the user.

These files are created when the browser on the device used by the user loads a web destination that has been visited, and then sends the data to the browser, which in turn creates a text file (cookie).

The browser retrieves and sends the file to the website server (places, sites) when the user revisits it.

Cookies are used to enable the functioning of all website features and for a better user experience. They can be temporary (stored only during the visit to a website), or permanent (that remain on the user's computer even after the visit).

The www.stotinka.hr website uses third-party cookies to obtain statistical data on visits and the manner in which our website is used.

The data collected include the IP address of the user, information about the browser, language, operating system and other standard statistical information which is collected and analysed exclusively in an anonymous, mass form.

The Stotinka website does not contain cookies which enable running of programs or placing viruses on your computer.

The www.stotinka.hr website uses Google Analytics and Facebook statistics. Rules on third-party cookies can be found at Google Analytics and Facebook.

Information about how users use our website may be collected from time to time using other tools similar to Google Analytics.

Preventing cookies

If you do not agree to their use, you can easily delete (or prevent) cookies on your computer or mobile device through browser settings.

For more information about managing cookies, see the website of the browser you are using, or www.allaboutcookies.org.

Since the purpose of cookies is to improve and enable the use of our website and its processes, keep in mind that by preventing or deleting cookies you may disable the functioning of those features, or cause them to function and appear differently in your browser.

Terms and modifications

The terms of this Statement govern the use of cookies and all data collected during the application of the Statement, except for third-party cookies.

Stotinka reserves the right to amend this Statement and the rules about cookies at any time in order to transfer important new information and so you would be informed about the ways in which Stotinka protects your information on its website.

We recommend that you periodically check for updates on this page.

Contact information

Stotinka will be happy to receive your comments and suggestions in connection with this Statement, as well as other comments.

You can contact us at timing@stotinka.hr

Prijavljeni tekmovalci

27. tek Petra Levca SKIRCA in 14. tek s kužki v organizaciji Športnega društva Trzin bosta potekala v soboto 19. 4. 2025 pred Centrom Ivana Hribarja v Trzinu, Ljubljanska cesta 12f.

Tudi letos je Tek Petra Levca Skirca Trzin eden izmed tekov v seriji Gorenjska, moj planet!


Za točkovanje v pokalu serije GMP štejejo časi iz teka na 10 km, za priznanje sodelovanja na seriji pa udeležba na vseh Trzinskih trasah vseh tekačev.


Ostale podrobnosti na spletni strani dogodka Tek Trzin.


Tekaške majice Gorenjska, moj planet

Vabimo vas, da ob prijavi naročite tudi uradno majico serije Gorenjska, moj planet. Več informacij o majicah najdete na strani https://www.gorenjska-mojplanet.si/tekaske-majice-pokala/.

V prednaročilu cena za odrasle znaša 25 €, za otroke pa 20 €. Majice bo mogoče kupiti tudi na dan prireditve pri časomerilcih Timinga Poljane.

Ker so nekatere številke že pošle, zaradi malenkost premajhnega zanimanja pa se nismo odločili za naročilo dodatnih, so na voljo samo še določene številke.

Majico boste prejeli ob prevzemu štartne številke na prireditvi.