21. Tek Petra Levca Skirca 20.04.2019. 09:30 20.04.2019. 15:00 More...Finished 280 registered, 165 paid, 280 numbered, 1 - STA 258 - FIN 21 - DNS ITA 1 Italy SLO 278 Slovenia SVK 1 Slovakia SLO 164 Slovenia SVK 1 Slovakia ITA 1 Italy SLO 278 Slovenia SVK 1 Slovakia Race :: 5 :: Organiser :: ŠD Trzin |
10 km race 20.04.2019. 11:00 20.04.2019. 15:00 10 km 150 m 150 m More...Finished :: 153 registered, 109 paid, 153 numbered, 1 - STA 144 - FIN 8 - DNS ITA 1 Italy SLO 151 Slovenia SVK 1 Slovakia SLO 108 Slovenia SVK 1 Slovakia ITA 1 Italy SLO 151 Slovenia SVK 1 Slovakia Registered Competitors Results Description21. tek Petra Levca SKIRCA in 8. tek s kužki v organizaciji Športnega društva Trzin bosta potekala v soboto 20.4.2019 pred Centrom Ivana Hribarja v Trzinu. Tudi letos je Tek Petra Levca Skirca Trzin eden izmed tekov v seriji Gorenjska, moj planet! Za točkovanje v pokalu serije GMP štejejo časi iz teka na 10 km, za priznanje sodelovanja na seriji pa udeležba na vseh trzinskih trasah vseh tekačev. PROGRAM:
OPISI PROG 5 in 10 km
Štart bo potekal izpred Centra Ivana Hribarja, Ljubljanska 12 f, Trzin. Obe progi od štarta potekata po trzinskih ulicah: mimo cerkve sv. Florijana, po cesti Za hribom ter na makedam po Grajski cesti do gradu Jable. Pri gradu se kratka in dolga proga ločita.
Obe progi sta primerni za vse vrste tekačev in nista nevarni pri spustu. KATEGORIJE:
OTROCI prve triade OŠ 1 km OTROCI druge triade OŠ 1 km TEK S KUŽKI 5 km TEK 5 km – dečki do 15 let TEK 10 km (točkovanje Gorenjska, moj planet)
Otroški teki brezplačno (do vključno letnika 2006)!
Tek s kužki, tek 5 km in 10 km: Plačila izvedite s PLAČILNIM NALOGOM UPN SEPA na transakcijski račun: SI56 0230 5009 2324 661 NLB Banka, Prevzem vrečk z startnimi številkami, majico in promocijskim materialom bo možen samo na dan teka, 20.4., na INFO točki. Prijavnina vključuje:
RegulationsNote: By signing below I certify that all information in this application form is true. I declare that I am healthy, fully prepared for the competition and have had a medical examination. I will follow all the instructions given by the organizer and compete at my own risk. I am familiar with the dangers and risks that may occur during the competition, and declare that in case of any damages, caused by taking part at this competition, I will not sue or demand compensation from the organizer or Municipality of Trizn. I agree that personal information that I have entered in this form will be used by Špotno društvo Trzin for general administration and communication and other matters of welfare relating to my participation at this event. I agree that all information in this application and the results of competitions can be published in the media and on websites of the event, including my photographs, film and video clips, interviews, etc. without my additional special permission. I agree that the organizer is not responsible for any loss, damage, other claims, costs or expenses arising in connection with my participation at the event. The organizer will use the personal data of participants and store them in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act (UL RS, 86/2004 - 94/2007). All personal information will be stored for as long as necessary. Each participant may withdraw permission at any time for the use of their personal data. Each participant shall have all rights in accordance to the Law on Protection of Consumers (UL RS 20/1998 - 126/2007). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5km race 20.04.2019. 11:00 20.04.2019. 15:00 5 km 50 m 50 m More...Finished :: 52 registered, 38 paid, 52 numbered, 45 - FIN 7 - DNS SLO 52 Slovenia SLO 38 Slovenia SLO 52 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results Description21. tek Petra Levca SKIRCA in 8. tek s kužki v organizaciji Športnega društva Trzin bosta potekala v soboto 20.4.2019 pred Centrom Ivana Hribarja v Trzinu. Tudi letos je Tek Petra Levca Skirca Trzin eden izmed tekov v seriji Gorenjska, moj planet! Za točkovanje v pokalu serije GMP štejejo časi iz teka na 10 km, za priznanje sodelovanja na seriji pa udeležba na vseh trzinskih trasah vseh tekačev. PROGRAM:
OPISI PROG 5 in 10 km
Štart bo potekal izpred Centra Ivana Hribarja, Ljubljanska 12 f, Trzin. Obe progi od štarta potekata po trzinskih ulicah: mimo cerkve sv. Florijana, po cesti Za hribom ter na makedam po Grajski cesti do gradu Jable. Pri gradu se kratka in dolga proga ločita.
Obe progi sta primerni za vse vrste tekačev in nista nevarni pri spustu. KATEGORIJE:
OTROCI prve triade OŠ 1 km OTROCI druge triade OŠ 1 km TEK S KUŽKI 5 km TEK 5 km – dečki do 15 let TEK 10 km (točkovanje Gorenjska, moj planet)
Otroški teki brezplačno (do vključno letnika 2006)!
Tek s kužki, tek 5 km in 10 km: Za 20 obletnico teka smo pripravili presenečenje in sicer kategorijo Ekipno tekmovanje parov, kjer bomo sešteli čas 1 moškega in 1 ženske, ki bosta tekla v kategoriji na 10km (moški na 10 km + ženska na 10 km) torej skupno pretekla 20 kilometrov za 20 let. Pri prijavi je potrebno vpisati Ime in Priimek drugega člana ekipe. Nagradili bomo tudi najmlajša udeleženca na 5km in najstarejša udeleženca. Pripravili bomo tudi žrebanje za tekače in srečelov za vse obiskovalce. V kolikor potrebujete dodatne informacije nam lahko pišete na trzinsportnodrustvo@gmail.com Plačila izvedite s PLAČILNIM NALOGOM UPN SEPA na transakcijski račun: SI56 0230 5009 2324 661 NLB Banka, Prevzem vrečk z startnimi številkami, majico in promocijskim materialom bo možen samo na dan teka, 20.4., na INFO točki. Prijavnina vključuje:
RegulationsNote: By signing below I certify that all information in this application form is true. I declare that I am healthy, fully prepared for the competition and have had a medical examination. I will follow all the instructions given by the organizer and compete at my own risk. I am familiar with the dangers and risks that may occur during the competition, and declare that in case of any damages, caused by taking part at this competition, I will not sue or demand compensation from the organizer or Municipality of Trzn. I agree that personal information that I have entered in this form will be used by Špotno društvo Trzin for general administration and communication and other matters of welfare relating to my participation at this event. I agree that all information in this application and the results of competitions can be published in the media and on websites of the event, including my photographs, film and video clips, interviews, etc. without my additional special permission. I agree that the organizer is not responsible for any loss, damage, other claims, costs or expenses arising in connection with my participation at the event. The organizer will use the personal data of participants and store them in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act (UL RS, 86/2004 - 94/2007). All personal information will be stored for as long as necessary. Each participant may withdraw permission at any time for the use of their personal data. Each participant shall have all rights in accordance to the Law on Protection of Consumers (UL RS 20/1998 - 126/2007). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Children 2012 - 2010 20.04.2019. 10:30 20.04.2019. 15:00 1 km More...Finished :: 25 registered, 25 numbered, 23 - FIN 2 - DNS SLO 25 Slovenia SLO 25 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results Description21. tek Petra Levca SKIRCA in 8. tek s kužki v organizaciji Športnega društva Trzin bosta potekala v soboto 20.4.2019 pred Centrom Ivana Hribarja v Trzinu. Tudi letos je Tek Petra Levca Skirca Trzin eden izmed tekov v seriji Gorenjska, moj planet! Za točkovanje v pokalu serije GMP štejejo časi iz teka na 10 km, za priznanje sodelovanja na seriji pa udeležba na vseh trzinskih trasah vseh tekačev. PROGRAM:
OPISI PROG 5 in 10 km
Štart bo potekal izpred Centra Ivana Hribarja, Ljubljanska 12 f, Trzin. Obe progi od štarta potekata po trzinskih ulicah: mimo cerkve sv. Florijana, po cesti Za hribom ter na makedam po Grajski cesti do gradu Jable. Pri gradu se kratka in dolga proga ločita.
Obe progi sta primerni za vse vrste tekačev in nista nevarni pri spustu. KATEGORIJE:
OTROCI prve triade OŠ 1 km OTROCI druge triade OŠ 1 km TEK S KUŽKI 5 km TEK 5 km – dečki do 15 let TEK 10 km (točkovanje Gorenjska, moj planet)
Otroški teki brezplačno (do vključno letnika 2006)!
Tek s kužki, tek 5 km in 10 km: Za 20 obletnico teka smo pripravili presenečenje in sicer kategorijo Ekipno tekmovanje parov, kjer bomo sešteli čas 1 moškega in 1 ženske, ki bosta tekla v kategoriji na 10km (moški na 10 km + ženska na 10 km) torej skupno pretekla 20 kilometrov za 20 let. Pri prijavi je potrebno vpisati Ime in Priimek drugega člana ekipe. Nagradili bomo tudi najmlajša udeleženca na 5km in najstarejša udeleženca. Pripravili bomo tudi žrebanje za tekače in srečelov za vse obiskovalce. V kolikor potrebujete dodatne informacije nam lahko pišete na trzinsportnodrustvo@gmail.com Plačila izvedite s PLAČILNIM NALOGOM UPN SEPA na transakcijski račun: SI56 0230 5009 2324 661 NLB Banka, Prevzem vrečk z startnimi številkami, majico in promocijskim materialom bo možen samo na dan teka, 20.4., na INFO točki. Prijavnina vključuje:
RegulationsNote: By signing below I certify that all information in this application form is true. I declare that I am healthy, fully prepared for the competition and have had a medical examination. I will follow all the instructions given by the organizer and compete at my own risk. I am familiar with the dangers and risks that may occur during the competition, and declare that in case of any damages, caused by taking part at this competition, I will not sue or demand compensation from the organizer or Municipality of Trzn. I agree that personal information that I have entered in this form will be used by Špotno društvo Trzin for general administration and communication and other matters of welfare relating to my participation at this event. I agree that all information in this application and the results of competitions can be published in the media and on websites of the event, including my photographs, film and video clips, interviews, etc. without my additional special permission. I agree that the organizer is not responsible for any loss, damage, other claims, costs or expenses arising in connection with my participation at the event. The organizer will use the personal data of participants and store them in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act (UL RS, 86/2004 - 94/2007). All personal information will be stored for as long as necessary. Each participant may withdraw permission at any time for the use of their personal data. Each participant shall have all rights in accordance to the Law on Protection of Consumers (UL RS 20/1998 - 126/2007). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Children 2009 - 2007 20.04.2019. 10:30 20.04.2019. 15:00 1 km More...Finished :: 24 registered, 24 numbered, 22 - FIN 2 - DNS SLO 24 Slovenia SLO 24 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results Description21. tek Petra Levca SKIRCA in 8. tek s kužki v organizaciji Športnega društva Trzin bosta potekala v soboto 20.4.2019 pred Centrom Ivana Hribarja v Trzinu. Tudi letos je Tek Petra Levca Skirca Trzin eden izmed tekov v seriji Gorenjska, moj planet! Za točkovanje v pokalu serije GMP štejejo časi iz teka na 10 km, za priznanje sodelovanja na seriji pa udeležba na vseh trzinskih trasah vseh tekačev. PROGRAM:
OPISI PROG 5 in 10 km
Štart bo potekal izpred Centra Ivana Hribarja, Ljubljanska 12 f, Trzin. Obe progi od štarta potekata po trzinskih ulicah: mimo cerkve sv. Florijana, po cesti Za hribom ter na makedam po Grajski cesti do gradu Jable. Pri gradu se kratka in dolga proga ločita.
Obe progi sta primerni za vse vrste tekačev in nista nevarni pri spustu. KATEGORIJE:
OTROCI prve triade OŠ 1 km OTROCI druge triade OŠ 1 km TEK S KUŽKI 5 km TEK 5 km – dečki do 15 let TEK 10 km (točkovanje Gorenjska, moj planet)
Otroški teki brezplačno (do vključno letnika 2006)!
Tek s kužki, tek 5 km in 10 km: Za 20 obletnico teka smo pripravili presenečenje in sicer kategorijo Ekipno tekmovanje parov, kjer bomo sešteli čas 1 moškega in 1 ženske, ki bosta tekla v kategoriji na 10km (moški na 10 km + ženska na 10 km) torej skupno pretekla 20 kilometrov za 20 let. Pri prijavi je potrebno vpisati Ime in Priimek drugega člana ekipe. Nagradili bomo tudi najmlajša udeleženca na 5km in najstarejša udeleženca. Pripravili bomo tudi žrebanje za tekače in srečelov za vse obiskovalce. V kolikor potrebujete dodatne informacije nam lahko pišete na trzinsportnodrustvo@gmail.com Plačila izvedite s PLAČILNIM NALOGOM UPN SEPA na transakcijski račun: SI56 0230 5009 2324 661 NLB Banka, Prevzem vrečk z startnimi številkami, majico in promocijskim materialom bo možen samo na dan teka, 20.4., na INFO točki. Prijavnina vključuje:
RegulationsNote: By signing below I certify that all information in this application form is true. I declare that I am healthy, fully prepared for the competition and have had a medical examination. I will follow all the instructions given by the organizer and compete at my own risk. I am familiar with the dangers and risks that may occur during the competition, and declare that in case of any damages, caused by taking part at this competition, I will not sue or demand compensation from the organizer or Municipality of Trzn. I agree that personal information that I have entered in this form will be used by Špotno društvo Trzin for general administration and communication and other matters of welfare relating to my participation at this event. I agree that all information in this application and the results of competitions can be published in the media and on websites of the event, including my photographs, film and video clips, interviews, etc. without my additional special permission. I agree that the organizer is not responsible for any loss, damage, other claims, costs or expenses arising in connection with my participation at the event. The organizer will use the personal data of participants and store them in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act (UL RS, 86/2004 - 94/2007). All personal information will be stored for as long as necessary. Each participant may withdraw permission at any time for the use of their personal data. Each participant shall have all rights in accordance to the Law on Protection of Consumers (UL RS 20/1998 - 126/2007). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8 th Canicross 20.04.2019. 09:30 20.04.2019. 15:00 5 km 50 m 50 m More...Finished :: 26 registered, 18 paid, 26 numbered, 24 - FIN 2 - DNS SLO 26 Slovenia SLO 18 Slovenia SLO 26 Slovenia Registered Competitors Results Description22. tek Petra Levca SKIRCA in 9. tek s kužki v organizaciji Športnega društva Trzin bosta potekala v soboto 18.4.2020 pred Centrom Ivana Hribarja v Trzinu. Tudi letos je Tek Petra Levca Skirca Trzin eden izmed tekov v seriji Gorenjska, moj planet! Za točkovanje v pokalu serije GMP štejejo časi iz teka na 10 km, za priznanje sodelovanja na seriji pa udeležba na vseh trzinskih trasah vseh tekačev. PROGRAM:
OPISI PROG 5 in 10 km
Štart bo potekal izpred Centra Ivana Hribarja, Ljubljanska 12 f, Trzin. Obe progi od štarta potekata po trzinskih ulicah: mimo cerkve sv. Florijana, po cesti Za hribom ter na makedam po Grajski cesti do gradu Jable. Pri gradu se kratka in dolga proga ločita.
Obe progi sta primerni za vse vrste tekačev in nista nevarni pri spustu. KATEGORIJE:
OTROCI prve triade OŠ 1 km OTROCI druge triade OŠ 1 km TEK S KUŽKI 5 km TEK 5 km – dečki do 15 let TEK 10 km (točkovanje Gorenjska, moj planet)
Otroški teki brezplačno (do vključno letnika 2006)!
Tek s kužki, tek 5 km in 10 km: Plačila izvedite s PLAČILNIM NALOGOM UPN SEPA na transakcijski račun: SI56 0230 5009 2324 661 NLB Banka, Prevzem vrečk z startnimi številkami, majico in promocijskim materialom bo možen samo na dan teka, 18.4., na INFO točki. Prijavnina vključuje:
RegulationsNote: By signing below I certify that all information in this application form is true. I declare that I am healthy, fully prepared for the competition and have had a medical examination. I will follow all the instructions given by the organizer and compete at my own risk. I am familiar with the dangers and risks that may occur during the competition, and declare that in case of any damages, caused by taking part at this competition, I will not sue or demand compensation from the organizer or Municipality of Trzin. I agree that personal information that I have entered in this form will be used by Špotno društvo Trzin for general administration and communication and other matters of welfare relating to my participation at this event. I agree that all information in this application and the results of competitions can be published in the media and on websites of the event, including my photographs, film and video clips, interviews, etc. without my additional special permission. I agree that the organizer is not responsible for any loss, damage, other claims, costs or expenses arising in connection with my participation at the event. The organizer will use the personal data of participants and store them in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act (UL RS, 86/2004 - 94/2007). All personal information will be stored for as long as necessary. Each participant may withdraw permission at any time for the use of their personal data. Each participant shall have all rights in accordance to the Law on Protection of Consumers (UL RS 20/1998 - 126/2007). |
ŠD TrzinŠportno društvo Trzin |
Payment and correction of race results |
Contact |
Website: http://tek.trzin.si/ Email: trzinsportnodrustvo@gmail.com Phone: 041/382 516 Address: Mengeška 9, 1236 Trzin, SLO - Slovenia |
Organiser links |